Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Credit/debit card payment attempt failed

    1. Why did my payment fail? Please note that our system uses a fraud solution to manage our credit card payments through Stripe. The solution uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to determine whether it is safe to accept payments. If our system detects a higher risk, payments will often fail/decline. 2. I successfully paid for the first order, but the next order was rejected. Why is that? Due to circumstances beyond our control, our system tends to make it easier for your first credit/debit card payment to go through. If you have successfully paid your first order but have failed to pay consecutively, we recommend that you do not attempt to pay more than 3 times within a short period of time after being rejected. This is to avoid being intercepted by the system after frequent payment failures. 3. What can I do to increase my chances of payment success? Please verify your phone number and billing address first. Doing so increases the chances that your payment will be passed through our system. 4. All the information is confirmed, but the payment still fails. What can I do? If you enter all the details
  • 2. Why choose TOPUPlive?

    1. TOPUPLIVE is committed to providing the best digital platform for gamers around the world, we are certainly not the only digital market, but we strive to be the best. Here are the top five reasons why our customers choose us. Security platform TOPUPLIVE creates a secure environment for our customers and ensures that they can safely purchase gaming products and services online. TOPUPLIVE provides secure payment services and all payments will be made through TOPUPLIVE. It ensures that buyers receive the products they order, while at the same time assuring the TOPUPLIVE platform that they can receive payment after the products are delivered. Global market We have convenient global payment channels for customers to buy and withdraw cash, giving everyone access to the global market. It gives our TOPUPLIVE platform the advantage of reaching national and international customers and significantly increasing their market. In addition, the TOPUPLIVE platform can leverage the web presence of our marketplace to place them at the top of many search engine results.

How To Shop On TOPUPlive?

1. Choose your game and go to TOPUPlive or sign up for a TOPUPlive ID at Select the game you want to browse by going to the purchase page or searching directly from the search box.

2. Select your project using filters to select servers, prices, etc. Next, click the product title to go to the product page. Enter all the necessary information about your purchase and click Add to Cart...