9 Tips for Beginners Playing Black Myth: Wukong

9 tips for nybegynnere som spiller svart myte: Wukong

Time: 2024-08-21 16:56:00

1.About Bosses

The boss difficulty increases gradually, and the first chapter is not very difficult.

Here are some tips for fighting the boss in the first chapter:

(1) Go directly to fight the boss "Guangzhi" instead of the boss "Youhun".

Right here, at the teleport point "Canglang Forest - Outside the Forest," head forward. The path on the right leads to the boss Youhun, while the path on the left leads to the boss Guangzhi. It is highly recommended to defeat Guangzhi first because after defeating Guangzhi, you will transform into a wolf form, gaining additional skills and health. At this point, you can still choose not to fight Youhun immediately. You can bypass it and return to defeat Youhun before ringing the third bell after defeating the White Robe. This way, you will have accumulated some cultivation points when fighting Youhun, making it easier to defeat him.

On the contrary, if you choose to fight Youhun first, it will be more challenging and time-consuming.

Tips for fighting bosses: After completing one combo, pause briefly and then execute another combo. When the crowd control effect wears off, use the Youhun skill "F" directly to deal a heavy blow. This sequence will take away about 1/4 to 1/3 of the boss's health.


(2) Ling Xuzi: Ling Xuzi is not strong and is weak against fire. Transforming into Guangzhi can easily defeat him, and most players can defeat him on their first encounter.


(3) White Robed Hermit: He has two health bars. After completing the first phase, there will be a cutscene where he transforms and enters the second phase with full health, posing a greater challenge. This boss switches between fast and slow attacks, uses both ranged and close combat, and can even manipulate the spirits of monkeys. Rather than just a boss, he is more like a teacher, instructing players on agility, evasion, engaging at a distance, and other tactics. There aren't many specific techniques to defeat him; it's more about enduring and learning through practice.


It's important to note that in the first phase, try to avoid using Guangzhi and crowd control skills. At most, use a healing potion and rely on the agility learned from him to survive the first phase. In the second phase, use crowd control skills, Youhun, and Guangzhi. In the early stages, it's advisable to learn the Stand Staff Technique first. Slowly approach him, and when his health bar appears, charge up the Stand Staff Technique. When he charges towards you, release the skill to deal a heavy blow as he approaches, combining it with engaging at a distance.


(4) Jinchí: This is one of the hidden bosses. After defeating Youhun, you can go ring the bell to access this hidden boss. Defeating Jinchí allows you to obtain the Fire Protection Shield, which is very effective against the Black Bear Guai that follows. Therefore, it's best not to overlook this boss.


There aren't many specific techniques for fighting Jinchí, and the difficulty is not too high, similar to fighting Youhun in terms of attack methods. It's important to note that when you've depleted about half of his health the first time you fight him, he will absorb nearby minions to regenerate health. Clear the minions at this point, as defeating them will also restore your health. There's not much pressure here. However, he has a skill that makes the minions charge towards you and then explode. Simply keep moving to avoid this, and avoid rolling unnecessarily.


(5) Black Wind King: Not too difficult, but you need to watch out for his charge in black mist form. After he charges, there will be an AoE shockwave in the middle of the map. At this point, position yourself at the edge of his mist and use the Stand Staff Technique, which can deliver a heavy blow in two segments.


(6) Black Bear Guai: When fighting him, avoid being greedy with your attacks, focus on evading, strike from behind, and be prepared for his quick charges in black mist form, faster than the Black Wind King. Avoid lingering on fiery terrain for too long. After he spews fire in the second phase, remember to use the Fire Protection Shield promptly. With a few attempts, you should be able to overcome him. He has large movements and is cumbersome, with a strong attacking desire compared to other enemies in the first chapter.


2. In the early stages, there is a "Huo Zhi" shop at the Land Temple, which is a store. It is not recommended to buy medicines or materials as there is not much pressure.


3. There is no map, but there are light indicators. It can be a bit confusing to distinguish materials that can be obtained in the rainforest map of the first chapter from the environment. If you aim to collect everything, take your time exploring. Additionally, the game has invisible walls, but in some places, you can jump down. Therefore, it's advisable to explore all accessible areas to test your limits.


4. Incorporate the terrain into your battles. For example, with Youhun, you can use the pillars in the area to make him crash into them, causing him to become dizzy. Or with the Rat Father and Son, you can lure the Rat Son to crash into the Rat King's pillar, making him fall down and easier to defeat. Especially in the second level with the Little Lirong, dodging his ground pound attacks with agility is difficult, but standing on a rock makes it easy to evade.


5. After unlocking the Snake Path Land Temple, it's recommended to ascend the steps first to unlock the "Spirit Essence" function. While you can jump down from here and proceed to fight the boss along the way, it's not advisable to do so initially.


6. Decide on your early skill tree points based on your mood, as resetting points is cost-free at the Land Temple. If your gameplay is average, consider maxing out the health in the Foundation section first, allocate points to stamina as needed, and then focus on a stick-based skill set. Gradually become familiar with the operation of this stick-based skill set during the game.


7. Crowd control is an extremely useful skill in the early stages, but there is a chance it can be interrupted by the opponent's attacks. It's recommended to use crowd control when the opponent is finishing their attack or during the middle of your own attack, making it easier to execute a full combo.


8. During exploration, try to use skills sparingly because of the early lack of mana and absence of items for mana regeneration. Save your skills for the most dangerous situations.


9. In your inventory, there is a teleportation talisman that takes you back to the last visited Land Temple. Don't forget to use this.

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