Forgotten Hall is a game mode that you have to unlock while on your journey in Honaki: Star Rail, even though it's not so hard to unlock it. This mode can help you get so many amazing rewards upon completing the stages available in the mode. While progressing through the different stages, you have to deal with a group of adversaries every time. During the stages, you can also do specific tasks for additional rewards.
For every stage completion, you're going to get 3 stars max. It depends on how many turns you take to complete that stage. The more stars you have, the more exciting rewards you are going to get. Honaki Star Rail Oneiric Shards plays an important role in your progress, so make sure you get it from TOPUPlive.
In short, your grind's going to get you more rewards in Forgotten Hall. You won't be able to perform some actions while playing the Forgotten Hall mode, including:
- You cannot access your inventory.
- You cannot upgrade/modify your characters.
- Changing team setup option is disabled.
- Levelling up of Relics and light cones is disabled.
The Forgotten Hall is divided into two stages. Memory and Memory of Chaos. You are required to have a squad to go through these stages; whether it's an 8-person or a 4-person squad, it's up to you.
At the start of every stage in Forgotten Hall, you are going to get a buff. This buff is going to help you while dealing with enemies and clearing that stage. Before the fight starts, you have the option to buff your teammates or heal them.
The Memory
The Memory stage consists of 15 stages. You are going to encounter enemies in every stage, and you will also get rewards. If at any point you get killed, you have to start the stage again.
In the first 10 stages, you can go with a 4-person squad, but in the last five, you have to bring two squads of 4-person.
While moving from one stage to another, the difficulty level will also increase accordingly. At every stage, you are going to encounter unique enemies with more power. Good coordination between your team is required so you don't have to suffer while eliminating the enemies.
You have to play strategically to avoid unnecessary eliminations. The more you die, the fewer stars you are going to get, and fewer stars mean fewer rewards.
Memory of Chaos
Memory of Chaos is much like the Memory stage, but it's more complicated. It consists of a total of 10 stages. These stages shuffle after some time and do not remain the same. In memory of chaos, the stages reset themselves, so you can do them again for more rewards. Remember, the stages are so hard; going up with proper planning is a must. With good planning, combat is going to be easy.
Every stage requires 3 steps of completion, two of which include roaming around for a specific number of cycles. Before the cycles end, you have to clear all adversaries. The last step is not to lose any of your character while completing the stage. You can buy Honaki Star Rail Oneiric Shards to help you get your characters back.
While roaming through the stages in Forgotten Hall, you will get rewards, including Insignia. You will also get some credits that will help you level up in the game. Most importantly, upon the completion of this stage, you will get 200 Stellar Jades.
Remember to level up your character while going through the stages. The 15th Memory stage requires your character to be at least level 65.
Memory Turbulence
This is the effect in every stage of the Forgotten Hall, which differs from one another. Memory Turbulence makes the stages more fun and complicated at the same time. You have to come up with unique planning and strategies to get through them.
There is a cycle system in every stage. You are allotted a certain number of cycles. Your task is to clear out that stage before these cycles end. If you fail to do so, you have to go through that stage again from the start.
On the screen, you can see the number of cycles you are left with while progressing through the game. Completing your stage within the designated number of cycles will get you exciting rewards and bonuses.
The more cycles are left after the completion of a stage, the more rewards you are going to get.
How To Unlock It?
First, you are required to have Level 21 of Trailblazer as soon as possible. You will then access the forgotten haul mode in Astral Express. After this, you will be able to access that mode.
Forgotten Hall mode has a lot to offer to players, more for those who like to play in hard combat situations. Going through these challenging stages isn't that easy; a proper plan with execution is required.
While going through this complicated mode, every stage has its unique level of difficulty, making it more fun for players to go through them. You are assigned a fixed number of cycles while going through stages; you must complete your task within them, or you will fail. Completing the task within the provided number of cycles is going to get you good rewards.
The thing that matters the most during combat is your squad's cooperation. A good squad can help you get better results in the end. Your squad choice is what matters the most, so choose your squad wisely. With a proper strategy, going through these stages isn't a big deal; after all, you are going to get good rewards after the completion of every stage.