PUBG Mobile - Vault Code Card Usage Locations

2024-08-19 16:00:00

  • The first location is the front line of the confrontation in the deserted village, where the White Vault code card is utilized.
  • At the police station, the Green Vault card is used as access.


  • In the old lockdown area:
  • The barracks require a yellow vault code card for entry.
  • The underpass necessitates a black vault PIN card to proceed.
  •  Access to Wolf's lair demands a red Vault code card.

  • On Misty Desert Island:
  • Old Street requires a yellow vault PIN card for access.
  • The upper right corner of the Science Museum can be accessed with a Black Vault PIN card.
  • The underground passageway requires a red Vault PIN card for entry.
  •  Finally, at Blue Bay, access to the vault code card is required.