Teen Patti Gold - Recharge bon marché et livraison instantanée en recharge en direct
Adolescent Patti Or

Adolescent Patti Or

valeur nominale

16L Chips Pack

16L Chips Pack
$ 0.36

45L Chips Pack

45L Chips Pack
$ 0.97

1Cr Chips Pack

1Cr Chips Pack
$ 1.83

3Cr Chips Pack

3Cr Chips Pack
$ 4.60

7Cr Chips Pack

7Cr Chips Pack
$ 9.43

16 Cr Chips Pack

16 Cr Chips Pack
$ 19.13

55 Cr Chips Pack

55 Cr Chips Pack
$ 57.64
Rechargement du compte
how to top-up in Topup-live
$ 0.00

About Teen Patti Gold

Teen Patti Gold is an Indian style card game that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is a three-card game that is based on the traditional Indian game of Teen Patti. It is also known as Flash or Flush. In Teen Patti Gold, each player is dealt three cards face down. Players then take turns betting on who has the highest hand. The game is over when all players have either folded or called for the highest bet.

About Teen Patti Gold Chips Pack

The Teen Patti Gold Chips Pack can be used to purchase in-game items and to make in-game purchases. It can also be used to buy virtual chips for playing multiple rounds of the game, or to buy virtual cards for playing the game with more than one player. Additionally, it can be used to buy boosters to level up your game and increase your chances of winning.

How to top up Teen Patti Gold Chips Pack?

  1. Select the Chips Pack denomination.
  2. Enter your Teen Patti Gold Player ID.
  3. Check out and select your payment method.
  4. Once payment made, your purchased will be credited to your account shortly.

How to find Teen Patti Gold Player ID?

  1. Please login to your account in the Teen Patti Gold App.
  2. Tap the setting icon in the Top-Right corner of the screen.
  3. You will find the Player ID in the bottom of the settings screen.

Comment vérifier l'identifiant de Adolescent Patti Or

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