Garena Speed ​​Drifter Diamond - Recharge bon marché et livraison instantanée
Garena Speed Drifter (SEA)

Garena Speed Drifter (SEA)

ImageNe s'applique pas à ÉTATS-UNIS

Note: Not for International and Vietnam Server, just support South East Asia.

valeur nominale

579 Diamonds

579 Diamonds
$ 7.00

1230 Diamonds

1230 Diamonds
$ 14.00

1845 Diamonds

1845 Diamonds
$ 21.00

3134 Diamonds

3134 Diamonds
$ 35.00

6279 Diamonds

6279 Diamonds
$ 70.00

31450 Diamonds

31450 Diamonds
$ 350.00

63000 Diamonds

63000 Diamonds
$ 700.00
Rechargement du compte
how to top-up in Topup-live
$ 0.00

Note: Not for International and Vietnam Server, just support South East Asia.

Garena Speed Drifters Diamonds Instant Top-Up

Garena Speed Drifters was a massively multiplayer online racing game developed by Tencent and published by Garena. One of the most important game feature is the Nitro. You take part in the races that last up to three minutes and you can use the virtual controls to drive the car. Charge up your N-tank by drifting and unleash it to achieve your maximum speed!

How to top up Garena Speed Drifters Diamond?

  1. Select the Diamond denomination.
  2. Enter your Player ID.
  3. Check out and select your payment method.
  4. Once payment made, the Diamonds will be added to your Garena Speed Drifters account Instantly.

How to find Garena Speed Drifters Player ID?

  1. Use your account to login the game.
  2. Click on your avatar in the top-left corner.
  3. Your Speed Drifters Player ID will be displayed.

Comment vérifier l'identifiant de Garena Speed Drifter (SEA)

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